Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Patrick Robinson for Target Go International

Targét has a winner in its popular Go International line, featuring high-end designers--many of them young and upcoming--making affordable stuff for the masses.

Unfortunately, it's a juniors line, not a misses line. I can fit in the XL tops but I've shied away from skirts, dresses, and pants. I've been concerned that the size 15s might still be too small. (Usually I size up in lower priced stores.)

But the other day I was looking at Patrick Robinson's crop of clothes for Go International and I really liked the medallion print baby doll dress. The largest size they had left was a size 13. Yet I could tell the cut of the skirt was really generous. Since I was short on time, I decided to buy the dress and try it on at home. If it was too small, I was planning to take it back.

I tried it on at home and I was amazed. It fit just fine. The dress bodice is definitely not for the big n' busty but otherwise, it's great for the booty-full. Not bad at all for 30 bucks! A great sundress for summer:

Obviously, that's not a picture of me.

1 comment:

Britten said...

This is so cute!!!