Monday, July 23, 2007

Do stores stock fewer items in 12+?

Have you ever been frustrated by a trip to your favorite store when you're searching through a sea of 4s and 8s on the racks? And if you luck out and find your size, it's maybe one or two of the last ones? Have you ever been annoyed with sales, because your size is all gone while there are piles of XS and S for the taking?

Welcome to my world!

There are two possible reasons for this phenomenon. 1. Since the average American woman is somewhere between 10-14, logically speaking, the larger sizes are likely to disappear first because there are more people buying them. I experience the same thing while trying to buy shoes. It seems like the bulk of shoes are made for size 7-8, but it seems to me the average is closer to 8-9, so of course the 9s go first. 2. The stores don't stock as many larger sizes because they either don't want us there or don't think as many of us shop in their stores. This could also explain the excess of smaller sizes available for sales or clearances...if most of what they stock are 0-6, then they will have lots more left over than for 10-16s. Last year, I noticed a phenomenon of stores no longer stocking above a 14 (thankfully, this has started to reverse). So I think there is some truth to this.

In any case, it would be interesting to investigate.


Britten said...

Oh, yes, I totally hate this. Just when you think you've found a gem and a low price you realize they don't have it in your size. Total bummer.

lazypadawan said...

It happens to me all of the time.